Thursday, 12 April 2012

Student Campaign - I aim to be a topper….What about you!

My name is Swati Sinha, a student of FY BCom in a well known suburban college in Mumbai. The results of my final exams have totally taken my teachers, my friends, my family and even me by surprise. I’ve stood third and could you believe it that I’ve never been a good student in my life and if anyone would have told me about this result four months ago, I wouldn’t have even bothered to reply.

I’ve always been dependent on coaching classes for passing my exams. But I was finding hard to understand what I was being taught either in the college or even in the coaching classes. Around three and a half months ago my elder brother presented me a Zodiac Power Ring on my birthday. He said it is the best gift he could think of as a brother. I totally agree with him. For no sooner did I start wearing my Zodiac Power Ring, my concentration power increased considerably. So much so that I started understanding everything in the college itself and didn’t feel the need of wasting my Dad’s money on coaching classes. My teachers saw the change in my attitude and they helped me in whatever way they can. I studied till late in the night and still I was mint fresh when I used to wake up in the morning.

To tell you the truth I must share an important detail about Zodiac Power Rings. Basically they are composed of Panchadhatu, that means they are a combination of five precious metals namely Gold, Copper, Iron, Silver and Zinc. If human body lacks any of these metals then it stops functioning properly and by wearing this Ring, the body requirement of Panchdhatu remains balanced. I have recommended Zodiac Power Rings to many of my friends and even a few teachers. I am sure they too will be changed persons within a short span of time.  With an affordable price tag of Rs. 1525/ I am sure everyone should re-write one’s own destiny. Studying isn’t a scary thought any more. I am actually enjoying it. My next aim is to become a topper…..And what about you!

I aim to be a topper….What about you!

I Swati Sinha used to barely pass the exams but after trying my luck with my Zodiac Power Ring, I stood third in my class in FY BCom. My concentration levels improved drastically and even after studying late in the night I got up mint fresh the next morning. More importantly I started enjoying my studies. That’s a great change within me. I aim to be a topper the next year….And what about you!

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